Guidance issued by the Chief Dental Officer for England: ALL DIRECT PATIENT CONTACT TO STOP IMMEDIATELY.
To all our patients
Following the above guidance, direct treatment of any dental patient is to cease with immediate effect. This is to prevent community spread of the virus to at risk individuals, and so reduce the burden on secondary (hospital) care.
No dental practice can see patients for face to face consultations. At Ernevale House, we will continue to triage our patients via an on-call dentist consultation by telephone. Contact details for this service can be accessed by calling the practice on 01775 723191.
We have been advised that a system of Local Urgent Dental Care centres will be set up. Currently there is no information available on where these centres are. As soon as we have details, our clinicians will be informed.
We are cancelling all appointments until 14 April (initial period of lockdown), and have been busy contacting patients with booked appointments. If we have not been able to get hold of you, please accept our apologies. We have been trying, and where we cannot get hold of you we have left a message wherever possible.
Please do not attend the practice in person, as we will not be able to see you.
This is a difficult time for everyone. We apologise for any inconvenience caused, but we have to follow guidelines to look after our staff and patients alike. We urge you to stay at home, stay safe, take care of each other, and we will see you on the other side!!
Best wishes
The Team at Ernevale House